Week 1 Term 1 2025
Dear Parents and Caregivers,
Welcome to IHM in 2025. We hope you enjoyed a wonderful holiday break and had a positive start to the New Year. There has been much happening at IHM during the holidays and we look forward to sharing and using our newly renovated spaces for quality teaching, learning and playing in 2025.
We welcome the following new staff, students and their families:
Tanya Papayianis - Reception teacher
Trish Jauncey - STEM and PE specialist teacher
Maree Mayer - Marketing & Communications Officer (New role)
Sheridan Morgan - Enrolment and Administration Officer (New role)
Welcome to our new students:
Arlo G | Caleb | Jack C | Luca T |
Maly | Nicolas | Oliver I | Teresa D |
Veronica S | Alice | Ally | Aubrey |
Audrey | Bertie D | Hendrik | Juan |
Myles | Susan | Kuot | Oliver E |
Baraka | Ava E |
Please join us to start the year with our Welcome Assembly on Friday at 9.00am with Coffee and a Chat beforehand in the courtyard from 8.30am.
Ready, Set, Learn!
The first two weeks of school are foundational to building a strong learning culture, positive connections and wellbeing and our Catholic identity. To support all learners, we build relationships with students and families, set routines and expectations for a consistent, predictable, and welcoming environment and this sets each student up for great learning success.
Developing a growth mindset and positive dispositions about learning and goal setting will establish clear directions for learners to determine their own progress in the learning journey.
We believe this initial investment in time spent during the first fortnight of school leads to successful learning throughout the whole school year.
During the first fortnight at school educators will:
- Get to know your child - Teachers and co-educators take this time to discover students’ likes, dislikes, strengths, and preferences and strengths in learning. Exploring where we all come from, valuing the diverse cultures in each classroom.
- Build a positive class culture - Create strong connections between students,
- Make connections with families. Educators use Seesaw to connect with families and set up a class page to celebrate success and maintain communication.
- Establish class and whole school common expectations and routines. Educators teach, practice and positively reinforce expectations based on our school PBIS framework.
- Introduce Zones of Regulation and develop a whole class Ready to Learn Plan and display in class.
- Regularly Check-In with students - explicitly teach the thumbs up check-in and use it regularly to monitor students’ emotions to work -
- Educators will teach and reinforce Problem Solving Models, which can be utilised in the classroom and in the yard.
Building Update
We are excited to share the two newly refurbished Year 1/2 classrooms with students. Our
STEM room will be ready in Week 3. STEM will be taught from classrooms in Weeks 1 and 2. Refurbishing the verandah/breezeway between the library and the Rec and STEM room will commence mid-term 1. Due to this timeframe we will commence using the Library, Wellbeing Hub and Auslan spaces in Term 2, when completed as planned. Auslan will use the breakout space upstairs for classes in Term 1. Students will still have access to library borrowing in classrooms during this time.
We have been successful in achieving a grant to install a lift, and plans will commence this term with the project to be completed in 2025.
Book-a-Chat Meetings - Week 3 (10th – 14th February 2025)
Getting to know your child is important to us in ensuring the best learning opportunities. As parents, you know your child better than anyone, and we value the partnership that education brings. Effective communication between home and school is vital in this partnership and the flourishing of each child.
We invite you to Book-a-Chat time using our online booking system (School Interviews) which will be distributed via School Stream later this week. Meetings are 15 minutes in duration.
The purpose of this time is for you meet their class teacher and to share your expectations and hopes for your child along with their particular strengths, unique qualities and learning needs.
Maintenance and Grounds Staff
This year we are pleased to share we have entered a partnership with Nazareth College who will be contracting their grounds and maintenance staff to IHM. We are grateful for this arrangement to keep a high standard of care for our school environment.
AGM School Board
This year our AGM and Community Forum Wine & Cheese Night will be held Wednesday 19th February 2025 from 6:30 - 8:00pm.
This is an opportunity for all parents and caregivers to come together to hear about new school initiatives, the results of the Living, Learning, Leading Surveys completed by students, staff and parents in late 2024 and share new ideas and suggestions for the future of IHM. Wine and cheese will be provided by our P & F. We are unable to offer a creche facility with alcohol available onsite.
There are two vacancies for nomination on the Board, for a two year period, due to members reaching the end of their tenure or resigning. On behalf of the IHM community I would like to thank Jeremy Whitehead and Miriam Davison for their support and commitment to IHM.
I invite you to think about nominating someone you believe would make a valuable contribution to the work of the Board or to consider nominating yourself. Please see the attached link which details the role and responsibilities of the Board and I would be happy for you to contact me or Board chairperson Michelle Wilson if you require clarification or additional information: https://www.schoolboards.cesa.catholic.edu.au/
Nomination forms can be located in the office.
Kind regards,
Julie Hancock
Recent News
Welcome to the Jubilee Year of Hope in 2025. A Jubilee occurs every 25 years in the Catholic Church. This year His Holiness Pope Francis has chosen the theme ‘Pilgrims of Hope’. This invitation offers people all around the world to join a time of pilgrimage, where we reflect deeply on our spiritual journey and renew our hope for the future.
This year our scripture reading is from the Book of Hebrews.
Hebrews 6:19: We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure
Our scripture reading connects with the Jubilee Logo, the anchor being a symbol of hope. This year our school community will reflect on the Jubilee symbol through our daily prayer, school Masses and liturgies and the Crossways Religious Education curriculum. As the term progresses and we begin preparing for Lent our Project Compassion theme will be ‘Turn debt into Hope’.
We look forward to sharing this Jubilee Year of Hope with our students and families.
Beginning of Year Mass - Invitation
On Wednesday 12th February everyone is invited to attend our Beginning of Year Mass here at IHM at 9:00am. It will be led by our SRCs and Father Santhosh.
2025 Commissioning Mass
On Sunday 16th February at 9:00am our staff, together with staff from St Joseph's School,Hindmarsh will be commissioned at the Sacred Heart Church, 252 Port Road, Hindmarsh. Everyone welcome.
Saying Goodbye
Staff at IHM recognise that saying goodbye after the Christmas break is tricky for children and families. Below are a few suggestions from Mark Le Messurier. Mark is a prominent South Australian counsellor, educator and author. He was also the Senior South Australian of the Year in 2022.
Anxiety is real … a few helpful tips! By Mark Le Messurier
Welcome to the new school year.
So, my starting point is … “their separation anxiety is real” and here are 10 helpful tips. Just 10, it’s not exhaustive!
1. Anxiety is triggered by feelings of risk, insecurity, and lack of control. It is usually emotionally driven and that’s why being totally rational is not the only solution. This is our call to forge a poised, logical, and loving connection.
2. Identify what’s happening and the triggers. Don’t shy away from discussing their anxiety with them. Sometimes, just getting kids talking about their worries, validating their feelings, and pulling a simple plan together is a huge step forward.
3. Create a goodbye ritual. Goodbye rituals are a beautiful way to give them comfort and a constructive start to the day. It can be a special hug, a weird handshake or crazy dance you do together. A goodbye ritual reinforces that as we disconnect, our hearts remain with each other throughout the day, and we’ll share our experiences when we reconnect later in the afternoon.
4. Transitional objects can make a difference. These include - a woven bracelet, a favourite lunchbox item, a special hair band or scrunchie, something small you’ve made together, even a photograph to keep in their backpack. It’s simply a loving reminder they carry with them over the school day. Just knowing it is their boosts feelings of security.
5. As best you can, establish a regular morning routine or schedule as this reassure children that all is going to plan and will go to plan. It boosts feelings of safety and security.
6. Be strategic in how you go about saying “goodbye”. Be kind and stick to the routine you’ve established. A short and sweet goodbye at school can be something like, "We will walk to school together, you hang your bag up, give me one hug and one kiss, then, you walk to your teacher and I walk away.”
7. Practice your language. Think through the exact language, the precise words, you’ll use. And, if your child becomes wobbly have 2 or 3 stock standard phrases you use with kindness, rather than kneeling down, hugging them and passionately overexplaining everything once again. The truth is when their emotional brains are switched on they will not hear your wise words.
8. Allow teachers to work their wonderful magic. Clever teachers know how to slow down children’s anxious brains by;
- Giving them a helping task at the start of the day. This eases their anxiety as their mind shifts to processing other things.
- Organising a friend to walk and talk with them as they ease into the day.
- Teaching them the magic of slow, deep breathing because this seriously calms discombobulated brains.
- Letting them know they are available for check-ins and chats because they ‘have their back’. They will keep them safe.
- Building a positive and trusting relationship.
- Organising a trusted school staff member to be present on arrival.
- It can be useful to have a special place for children to retreat to on arrival. It might be with a friend and is all about giving them structure, time, and dignity to regroup their emotions!
9. It is critical to radiate a strong, trusting relationship with your child’s teacher. Children quickly pick up on your trust in their teacher.
10. Finally, why not make a 5 part ‘anxiety/ separation plan’ to replace frightened thinking with realistic thinking:
1. Ask your child to RATE how high this anxiety feels for them (1 to 5 continuum).
2. Get them to ask someone they love or trust (mum, dad, teacher, grandparent) to RATE how anxious they should be on the same 1 to 5 continuum. There are no right or wrong answers here. This is simply offering a reference point and an opportunity for discussion.
3. Challenge the anxious thinking by doing a simple ‘RISK ASSESSMENT’ –
‘What usually happens?’
‘What’s most likely to happen?’
‘What’s the worst that can happen?’
‘What plans can we make together to help?’
‘What’s the plan if the very worst happens?’
4. Teach kids to accept the worried thought, let it sit with them, discuss it and talk about solutions. Then replace it with a happy thought, an activity or just getting on with the day!
5. Record HOW and WHEN you will say goodbye.
Good luck! It is all a beautiful and messy work in progress, and I hope this helps!
Jhovana Fenu
Welcome back to a new and exciting school year everyone!
What a productive journey we had in 2024 as we introduced the Science of Reading approach to our teaching of spelling and reading. Last year marked our first year implementing significant changes in pedagogy and lesson structure, ensuring that every student receives high-quality, evidence-based literacy instruction.
We began by equipping our teachers with professional learning on why and how to make this shift, using research-backed methods to inform our practice. Through targeted assessments, we identified students’ needs and introduced systematic phonological awareness activities, structured phonics lessons, and differentiated support for all learners.
One of the key components of our program is Playberry Laser, which we use as a whole-class structured literacy approach while also providing Playberry intervention for students who need additional support. This ensures that every child, regardless of their starting point, receives the instruction they need to become confident, capable readers and writers.
Although we have seen good progress across all year levels, it is important to remember that we are still in the beginning stages of the implementation of our literacy strategy. In 2025, we will focus on consolidating and strengthening this approach. With a solid foundation in place, we will continue refining our practices, reinforcing key skills, and ensuring that all students have the support they need to succeed.
Heggerty Phonological Awareness Program
Used in conjunction with Playberry Laser, IHM teaches the Heggerty Phonological awareness program. Phonological Awareness is the ability to hear, recognise, and play with sounds in spoken language. It’s a key predictor of future reading success. Here are some activities you can do with your children to support what we do in the classroom and build your child’s phonological awareness skills:
- Rhyme Time – Say a word and have your child think of words that rhyme (e.g., cat, hat, bat).
- Silly Rhyming Stories – Make up a story using as many rhyming words as possible.
- Road Trip Rhymes – While driving, spot an object and ask, “What rhymes with tree?” Then switch roles.
- I Spy Sounds – “I spy something that starts with /b/” (ball). For a challenge, use blends or digraphs (e.g., /ch/ for chair).
- Sound Scavenger Hunt – Pick a letter sound and find objects around the house that start with it.
- Snail Talk – Stretch out a word slowly (e.g., /ffffiiiissshh/) and have your child guess it. Then switch roles.
- Syllable Shopping – Say a word and clap out the syllables (e.g., pine - ap-ple = 3 claps).
- Silly Tongue Twisters – Create alliterative phrases (e.g., Silly Sam sips smoothies).
- Blending I Spy – Say a word in sound parts (“I see a s-u-n”) and have your child blend them to say the word.
- Sound Swap – Say a word and change one sound to make a new word (e.g., bat → change /b/ to /c/ → cat).
- Mystery Word Game – Give clues about a word based on its sounds (e.g., “I’m thinking of a word that starts with /m/ and rhymes with hat”).
- Jump for Sounds – Say a word and have your child jump for each sound (e.g., dog → d-o-g = 3 jumps).
- Beat the Timer – Set a timer for 30 seconds and see how many rhyming words your child can think of.
- Singing Songs – Sing nursery rhymes and songs that emphasise sounds and rhymes.
- Name That Sound – Make a sound and have your child guess the beginning letter (e.g., /ssss/ → “S!”).
These games make phonological awareness practice fun and engaging while strengthening early reading skills! 😊
‘Readers at Home’
We also wanted to address some common questions about ‘readers’ and how your child will be reading at home.
Our early readers in Reception to Year 2 will be working with decodable texts and readers. These books are carefully designed to include only the letter-sound relationships that students have been explicitly taught, allowing them to decode (sound out) words independently.
Developing readers need plenty of practice with these phonics skills, and decodable books provide the structured support necessary for success. These books may be sent home for additional practice later this term or the next, with students typically receiving one or two books to practice for a week. Since they have already been taught the sounds within the book, they should be able to read them with increasing ease and confidence.
For our older students who have ‘cracked the code’ and are reading independently, they will be encouraged to select appropriate books that match their reading ability. They will engage with these texts both in class and at home for further reading practice. They will also receive Playberry connected texts to read for Home Learning. However, if a student in the upper grades still requires support with decoding, they may also bring home decodable books or passages to reinforce their foundational reading skills.
Our goal is to ensure that every child builds strong reading skills in a way that is developmentally appropriate and aligned with the Science of Reading.
Thank you for your partnership in supporting your child’s literacy journey—we look forward to another fantastic year of learning and growth!
Sonia Bianco & Catherine Hulley
Welcome to the 2025 IHM School Year. We would like to introduce ourselves as Co-Chairs of the Parents & Friends Committee this year, Alyssa Andelkovic and Erika Fuller.
The P & F are excited to be starting off the first term with Shrove Tuesday (Pancake Day) on 3rd March, and we are looking for 1-2 volunteers to help serve our children their pancakes on the day. If you are able to help, would like to join the Parents & Friends Committee or have any questions please feel free to reach out to me by email gigglepie2506@hotmail.com
If anyone is interested in joining us, our first meeting is in Week 2 on Wednesday 5th February at 7:00pm - everyone is welcome.
Have a great Term 1!
Alyssa & Erika
Important Dates
9am Welcome Assembly
Drama Lessons Commence (R-6)
P & F Meeting at IHM - 7:00pm
House Meetings (students wear House coloured top)
Book-a-Chat Meetings (10th-14th February)
9am Beginning of Year Mass - led by SRCs
9am Assembly - led by 4/5 F
9am Commissioning Mass @ Sacred Heart Church, Hindmarsh
Swimming Week (Rec-Yr 5) 17th - 21st Feb
Welcome Wine & Cheese Night/Parent Forum/AGM
Swimming Trials
9am Assembly - Led by 5/6 L
Shrove Tuesday - Pancake Day
9am Ash Wednesday Liturgy
Pupil Free Day
Adelaide Cup Public Holiday
9am Mass - 1/2 H & 1/2 K
Sports Day - 3:30-6:30pm - Fitzroy Oval - Students finish early at 12:00pm
Yr 5 & 6 Camp at Woodhouse - 24th - 26th March
SACPSSA Swimming Carnival
End of Term 1 - 3:00pm Finish
Term 1 Calendar / Parent Handbook

Please click on the link below to see our very busy Term 1 calendar:
2025 Parent Handbook
For more information about our school please click on the link below: