Week 4 Term 3 2024
Dear Parents and Caregivers,
Thank-you to our families for being patient around the school at pick-up and drop off times and adapting to our new access points and routines whilst the build takes place. Please continue to avoid parking in No Standing or Parking ones, which are clearly signposted on the streets, as this blocks the road for others and the council have been out and about issuing fines to cars parked illegally.
The term has started busily with many events and opportunities.
- R/1 Grandparents Liturgy. Thanks to all our special visitors, we loved having you join us.
- Cross Country competition. Our runners represented the school with pride last Wednesday and we congratulate them on their grit and participation.
Well done and congratulations to:
Finley, Paige, Mika, Scarlett, Sid, Avie, Julieta, Samuel, Ezekhial, Artie, Camden, Julia, Jacob G, Harley, Layla, Lottie, Grace, Jacob T, Lucas, Luca T, Alexandra, Iris, Isla H, Emmanuel, Clara, Kayleigh, Norah, Ryleigh, Huy, Natalie.
- Mini-Olympics. Our green and gold themed day with class sports events and great team spirit was a terrific way to end the 2024 Olympic Games. Thanks to Ms Astrid-Marie Powell for coordinating this special event.
- Bugs and Slugs Incursion R/1/2
- R-6 Dancing lessons every Monday
This week is National Science Week, with the focus - Species Survival - More than Just Sustainability. Classes will be learning about this during in buddy lessons throughout the week.
Bullying No Way Week
It is also Bullying No Way Week - National Week of Action. Each class will engage in activities together to identify what bullying is and isn’t. They will also explore problem solving strategies to use in the event of a problem. The school has clear policies about bullying which can be found on our website. Further information can be found at https://bullyingnoway.gov.au/
A positive school climate is critical for preventing bullying and developing strong and respectful relationships. We place a high value on ‘Respect for others’ and ‘Inclusion’.
What can parents and caregivers can do?
Parents and caregivers have a key role in preventing and responding to bullying.
- Learn what bullying is and what it is not. Bullying is a word that gets used a lot, but not always accurately. We use a consistent understanding and language at school which you can reinforce at home. (see below)
- Talk to your children about diversity and respecting others. Each individual is unique and brings with them individual differences that should be valued and respected.
- If your child tells you about bullying, talk calmly about what has happened and reassure them that you will work together with the school to support them, whether your child was bullied, bullied others or witnessed bullying.
- Support them to solve problems well (see below)
This week we encourage you to talk about the following two Posters that students will be learning about in class and will be up in every learning space. I’m sure your child will be able to talk about these and share their understandings with you home.
Walk Club
A morning ‘Walk Club’ has commenced with students arriving at school being able to get some steps up, with laps around the oval with friends to get the day off to a positive and healthy start.
Kind regards,
Julie Hancock
Recent News
19th Sunday of Ordinary Time - Sunday’s Gospel
“I am the bread of life.
Your ancestors ate the manna in the desert, but they died;
this is the bread that comes down from heaven so that one may eat it and not die.
I am the living bread that came down from heaven; whoever eats this bread will live forever;
and the bread that I will give is my flesh for the life of the world.” John 6:48–51
R/1 Community Liturgy - World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly
On Sunday, 28th July 2024 Pope Francis declared to be a celebration of ‘World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly’. He asked us to be grateful for our grandparents and people who are elderly and never to forget them.
Pope Francis reminds us that God remembers and knows everyone from the very young to the very old, age is no barrier to God’s love. He also reminds us that our grandparents have many stories to share, and we should listen to those stories.
We thank the R/1 students for leading a very special Liturgy and for all the grandparents who were able to attend.
Sacramental Program - Confirmation and First Holy Communion
Paige (3/4P) and Tiana (5/6L) will be celebrating their Confirmation and First Holy Communion on Sunday 18th August at the Sacred Heart Parish, Hindmarsh. Archbishop Patrick O’Regan will be the celebrant.
Paige and Tiana, you are in our thoughts and prayers as you begin to prepare for this very special celebration. We wish you the very best for Sunday.
If you would your child/children to participate in the next sacramental cycle, which begins with Reconciliation, please email jfenu@ihm.catholic.edu.au.
The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Mass - Wednesday 21st August
Our next upcoming Mass will be led by 1/2K - The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary on Wednesday 21st August. On this day we will remember Mary’s assumption (falling asleep) into Heaven, body and soul.
This Mass will acknowledge the significant role Mary played in the life of Jesus and how true she was to his mission. Our celebrant will be Father Santhosh.
Student Leadership (SRC- Student Representative Council)
‘For leadership there is one road: service- a service with personal love for the people’ (Pope Francis- 12 May 2014)
We congratulate the following students for displaying leadership skills amongst their peers. We look forward to witnessing them being of service to others, by supporting social service initiatives, sustainability and modelling our school values and expectations.
Class |
SRC’s |
Deputy |
R/1M |
Sidney and Harriet |
Adriana |
R/1T |
Olive and Jeremy |
Audrey |
1/2K |
Amelia and Jarrod |
Jasper |
2/3HW |
Oliver and Beatriz |
Isabella |
3/4P |
Savannah and Harrison |
Karahan |
4/5F |
Harley and Layla |
Nate |
5/6L |
Teddy and Karein |
Clare |
What is Made in the Image of God?
The Made in The Image of God (MITIOG) Human Sexuality Curriculum is designed for students who attend Catholic schools in South Australia from Years R-12. This curriculum is grounded in the Catholic belief that human beings are made in God’s image and likeness. It celebrates the Catholic Church’s teaching centring on the dignity of the human person and as such honours the individual’s worth and their right to experience respectful and healthy relationships. It is an inclusive curriculum which acknowledges and respects the uniqueness of each person’s inherent goodness.
The MITIOG Curriculum has been developed to ensure that human sexuality education is accessible to all students in Catholic schools and that it is delivered in an age appropriate and culturally sensitive manner. It is respectful of an individual’s right to make healthy and informed choices about their bodies and their relationships. (Catholic Education South Australia, 2022)
This curriculum will begin in Week 6 - Monday 26 August until Week 9 - Friday 20 August.
Cyber Safe School
At Immaculate Heart of Mary School, we are committed to providing a cyber-safe learning community. Our cyber safety guidelines comply with CESA (Catholic Education South Australia) regulatory and legislative obligations.
We thank all families, staff, and students for committing to use Information and Communication Technology (ICT) facilities in a responsible, lawful and ethical way.
For further information about online safety please visit the Australian Government esafety Commissioner Here
Children’s University
We have a high number of students who are participating in this year Children’s University innovative program.
If your child/children are taking part, remember to log into the Children’s University Portal Here
You will be able to find important information regarding learning destinations and validated activities. It also offers a range of online activities which students can complete. Members can complete and submit online forms for review by our school coordinator - Julie Hansen.
Jhovana Fenu
Assistant Principal-Religious Identity and Mission/Learning Diversity
Ph: (08) 8115 7600
Email: jfenu@ihm.catholic.edu.au
Enrolments - Mid 2025 and Beyond
Do you have a child due to commence school or know anyone still looking for a school? We are in the process of finalising applications for mid-2025 enrolments and still taking applications for 2026 and beyond.
Once applications are submitted, families will be invited to meet with our Principal for a formal interview. Applications can be downloaded from our website or see the front Office for more information.
School Hats
From Monday 2nd September students must wear an IHM school hat during all outdoor activities. This is in accordance with our school uniform policy. Students without a school hat will be asked to sit under a verandah - NO HAT = NO PLAY
Hats are available from the Uniform Shop at any time during office hours or can be ordered and paid for via Qkr!
Legionnaire - $7.00 or Brimmed - $12.00
LLL Parent Survey
A friendly reminder to please complete our 2024 LLL Parent Survey by the 23rd August.
Each year we invite families to participate in a survey, which should only take 3-5 minutes to complete. This is an opportunity for you to let us know how things are going for you and your children and also for the continuous improvement of IHM.
Your feedback is greatly appreciated and is anonymous and confidential.
Simply go to :http://www.nsipartnerships.com.au/
and enter the code IHMPSLLLP in the 'Start Questionnaire' field.
Thanking you in anticipation.
At IHM we celebrate every student’s unique ability whether it be in Science, English, Drama, Music, or any other domain. We pride ourselves on knowing our students well, and using teaching and learning strategies to help our students achieve their goals. Discovering who our students are as learners is a continual project for us and this term, we gathered more information by administering the AGAT (Acer General Ability TEST).
The AGAT is a series of assessments that measure general intellectual ability in our students and the strands tested in the AGAT are abstract, kinetic, verbal, numerical, and spatial. By using the ACER AGAT, we aim to continue providing a more personalised educational experience for each child, helping them to realise their potential while having their abilities recognised and nurtured.
Using the results from the AGAT and other school assessment data, we have identified several students who have demonstrated high potential in the numerical strand. IHM is excited to share with you that IHM has been able to provide some students with the opportunity to participate in the ‘Mathematical Marvels’ workshop that is run by the G.A.T.E.ways Program.
We congratulate the following students: Finley, Ivan, Julieta, Vincent, Harrison, Maria, Clara, Norah, Jacob G, Tom, Hannah, and Alexandra.
We look forward to hearing about the event from our students!
Book Week is celebrated across Australian schools, and it inspires and motivates our school community in the pleasure of reading. The IHM school library will have the shortlisted titles on display. Students will have an opportunity to read these nationally recognised books.
Watch the Children's Book Week® 2024 theme announcement ‘Reading is Magic’, featuring this year’s feature artist, Jess Racklyeft on Youtube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kMokHCyJsjk&t=59s
The 2024 Children's Book Week theme; Reading is Magic, celebrates the reading of stories, their amazing power to transport minds, and the encouragement of kids to be curious about the wonders in our world. It is a positive and affirming message for our young people. The magic of reading also lies in its power of enticement; a good story provokes conversations. Talking about the stories with others connects the reader with other readers. Wrapped around all of this are the "tricks" and skills of the amazing book week writers and illustrators, as they use all their powers of language and illustration to engage the reader in the worlds they are building.
At IHM, students will be celebrating Book Week through their involvement in the following activities.
To kick off book week celebrations students will be treated to a performance incursion by Perform! Education called MAYBE A MIRACLE! At its heart is a celebration of the way books and the 2024 CBCA Shortlist can inspire every individual on their journey of personal growth and development.
Charlie is feeling just a bit overwhelmed. He does his best but sometimes his best doesn't seem good enough, especially when he compares himself to other kids who seem to make difficult tasks look so easy. And then there are chores, and an annoying little sister to contend with at home. Like any other kid Charlie has dreams - to be a rock star, explore different places, be a scientist that solves the problems of the world - but they seem to get further away every day. To be honest he'd be happy if he could find the space to have just a bit more fun now and then. Charlie thinks that maybe a miracle is what he needs to change things for the better. However, when something totally unexpected reveals that there are miracles happening all around him, he needs to figure out what to do with them. Will some of the books that Charlie recently discovered provide a clue?
Parents and Grandparents: Reading to Children
Each year we have parents, grandparents and family members reading to children from Reception to Year 6. It is always a great success for both the students and their loved family members. As a result, we would like to extend an invitation to parents, grandparents, and family members to participate in the week’s celebrations by reading stories to children at IHM.
You may bring along a favourite title from home or read from an assortment of books that will be available in classrooms. Please speak with the relevant class teacher regarding your
availability and choice of book. You are welcome from Monday 19th – Thurs 22nd August from 8:45 to 9:15am.
Favourite Books and Buddy Reading Experience: Shared Reading
Students can bring their favourite book to school. It can be a picture, fiction, or nonfiction title, a new or a long-time favourite. Over the week, students will share, read, and view these books with their own class and with their ‘buddy’ class. Established ‘buddy partnerships promote relaxed enjoyable reading experiences.
IHM School Vote for Early Childhood Book Winner
Every year the Year 5/6 class runs the R-6 vote for IHM’s Best Early Years Childhood Book title. The school does not always agree with the CBCA. We cannot wait for the Year 5/6 leaders to reveal IHM’s most popular title for 2023!
Meet the Author Virtual Visits
Students will also meet author Louise Park in a virtual meet the author session.
City of Charles Sturt Library Visits - Hindmarsh
Adding further to the celebrations this year, the City of Charles Sturt Library is running sessions for students incorporating activities related to Book Week. Classes who attend will need parent help to walk to and from the Hindmarsh library. Teachers will reach out for help J
IHM Book Week Story Writing Competition
Students will have the chance to participate in IHM’s very own story writing competition based around the theme of ‘Reading is Magic.’ We will be looking for original and creative stories that showcase how reading transports readers to magical worlds, sparks adventures, or uncovers mysteries etc. Teachers will assist students with this during class time. Competition opens Tues 23rd July and closes Wed 14th Aug. All entries will be on display and winners announced at Book Week Parade/Assembly.
Book Week Dress Up Parade/Assembly – Friday 23rd August 9am.
Time to get creative and think of some fantastic dress up ideas for our Book Week Dress up Parade. The theme this year is ‘Reading is Magic’ and we encourage the students to come dressed as a favourite book character or within the scope of the theme. Our Dress Up Parade will immediately follow the announcement of our IHM book vote and IHM Story Writing Competition Winners at our parade/assembly. Students will parade around the school block and it will certainly be a fantastic opportunity for the students to show case their costumes! Our school leaders will facilitate these proceedings alongside Mrs Hancock.
The Annual Catholic Schools Music Festival is a magnificent showcase of music within South Australian Catholic Schools. The Immaculate Heart of Mary School Festival Choir will be participating in the Festival on Wednesday the 25th of September 2024.
The Festival Choir have been working very hard each week learning and perfecting the songs and choreography in preparation for the performance.
Ticket Sales open August 12th
Book online at TIKETEK
Visit ticketek.com.au for details
Kristine Rebeiro
Hi everyone. Welcome to Term 3!
We had our P&F meeting last week and made some plans for the rest of the year!
We are going to be doing a fundraising lunch in the second half of this term – we will forward more info closer to the time through a School Stream message. New volunteers are welcome to join and help.
Breakfast club is continuing on Wednesday mornings and the children really enjoy it. We are always looking for volunteer parents to help prepare the breakfast and with clean up after. Please contact us if you are interested in helping out! We start preparing at 8am, and are finished by 9am.
Term 4 fundraiser plans are underway – more details to come!
Just a reminder to complete the LLL survey if you haven’t already done so.
Erika and Judith