Please let me know if you have any questions or comments in relation to the report. The report will be tabled at our AGM which briefly follows the Wine and Cheese Parent Forum.
I’m looking forward to seeing many of you at the Welcome Wine and Cheese/Parent Forum tonight where you have a chance to hear about and contribute to future directions of the school as we begin developing our new Strategic Plan for the next four years.
We are thrilled to present an animation of Stage One of our Building works from Edge Architects, showing the exciting upgrades to the physical spaces in our school. We are hoping that the build will begin in the holiday break in April.
For those who cannot be present, the ideas sheets will be displayed after the forum, in the foyer near lost property and you are welcome to add to the lists or let Annette or myself know your ideas/thoughts.
Advanced notice of new Mobile Responsive Website and Newsletter Change
We have been working on upgrading our website so that it is more easily accessed through mobile devices. In the next few weeks, the new website will be launched and with it our newsletter will become electronic in form only. You will be notified of the release of each fortnight’s newsletter through the school stream app as usual, however you will notice a difference in the format. This new format will provide ease of access and of course without printing it is more ecologically friendly practice.
Have a wonderful couple of weeks, I hope you get to enjoy some of Adelaide’s Arts festivities!
Best wishes,
Pauline Kinsman