Week 5 Term 1 2025
Parent Forum and AGM
Thank you to the families that were able to attend this event last Wednesday. It was a great opportunity to share the directions for 2025, gain an understanding of teaching and learning in composite classes and how teachers assess and provide feedback on key initiatives. The tour of the newly refurbished classrooms and STEM space was a highlight.
We congratulate the following newly elected and continuing members of the school board in 2025 and thank them for volunteering their time.
Michelle Wilson, Lionel Bentley, Daniel Searson and Travis Olds
Our School Board enables a spirit of partnership to be developed within the school community. They are constituted in a way that allows the various bodies within the school to be represented and to provide advice in regard to the development of the school and its management.
Contact details for the school board are: Ihmboard@ihm.catholic.edu.au
Positive Behavior Intervention and Support
Each fortnight at IHM we have a focus on a school expectation. During the fortnight teachers explicitly teach the skills for students to be successful. Each class has a visual which you may see up around the school. In class students are recognized for being successful with the focus through earning a House token. At the assembly we also recognize students for their positive behaviour.
Our school-wide behaviour focus for the next 2 weeks is 'We care for the environment'. This ties in nicely with 'Clean Up Australia Day' this coming Friday. Please return permission note by Wednesday for your child to be involved.
Special Leadership Assembly
In Week 7 on Friday 14th March at 9.00 am we will have a special presentation assembly where our SRCs, House Leaders and Auslan Ambassadors will be presented with their badges and House tops. Families are warmly invited to attend.
Families are reminded to report their child's absence from school before 9:30am and are encouraged to use the School Stream app (Attendance button) or by emailing the school at: info@ihm.catholic.edu.au.
We will implementing a new system where if a child appears absent on the class roll, families will be contacted via SMS at 10:00am. In the morning, teachers often do not have time to check Seesaw messages. Thank you for your assistance in this matter.
Pupil Free Day Reminder
On Friday 7th March our school will be closed for teacher professional learning. OSHC bookings are available.
Kind regards,
Julie Hancock
Recent News
Loving God,
We come before You today, each carrying our own hearts, hopes, and challenges.
We thank You for the gift of faith, which sustains in all things,
and for the hope that You provide in times of need.
We recognise that we are pilgrims on a journey of faith, moving forward in trust,
knowing that You walk beside us.
Help us to trust in Your loving presence, even when our paths are unclear.
Strengthen our hearts with the power of Your Holy Spirit, so that we may face each day with renewed hope and faith in Your promises.
We pray that You open our hearts to the truth that we are never alone,
and that You are always with us.
Through Christ, our Lord.
Shrove Tuesday - Pancake Day
Shrove Tuesday is on Tuesday 4th March. This is the time where we begin preparing our hearts and minds for the Season of Lent. Traditionally, this is a time where people ate a feast, and then fasted until Easter.
Our P & F will be leading the cooking and distribution of pancakes at 1:00pm. Please let your child’s teacher know if there are any dietary requirements. We are also inviting families to donate to Project Compasssion by bringing along a gold coin.
Ash Wednesday
This year Ash Wednesday is on 5th March. Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of the Season of Lent. It is a significant time in our Church, a season of reflection, fasting and alms giving which prepares us in faith for the Easter Season.
We will be having a whole school Ash Wednesday Liturgy at 9am led by our SRCs. Everyone is welcome to join us.
Jhovana Fenu

Premier's Reading Challenge
IHM Primary School is excited to continue our strong tradition of participating in the Premier’s Reading Challenge (PRC)! As always, we integrate the PRC into our class literacy focus, with teachers guiding student participation. We also encourage families to support reading at home and through our wonderful community libraries.
Key Dates
📅 Challenge Starts: Term 1 - 2025
📅 Challenge Ends: Week 7, Term 3 – Friday, 5th September 2025
How It Works
📖 Read 12 books – 8 from the PRC booklist for your year level and 4 of your own choice.
📚 Books are categorised for R-2, 3-5, and 6-9, with color-coded labels in our school library.
📝 Complete a Student Reading Record, signed by your teacher. (Teacher will organise this)
Awards for Participation
🏅 Students receive awards for each year of participation:
- 1st year – Certificate
- 2nd year – Bronze
- 3rd year – Silver
- 4th year – Gold
- 5th year – Champion
- 6th year – Legend
- 7th year – Hall of Fame
For more details, visit PRC Website or ask your child’s teacher.
Understanding Assessment at IHM
At IHM, we are committed to ensuring that assessment and reporting are consistent, fair, and reflective of each student’s learning journey. In 2023, we adopted the Performance Standards from Catholic Education South Australia (CESA) as the foundation for assessing and reporting student progress across all learning areas. At the Parent Forum last week, we shared the following information with parents to help them understand how these standards guide our assessment practices and reporting.
The Performance Standards provide a structured framework, with the number of standards varying depending on the subject. Their introduction across Catholic schools in South Australia aims to bring consistency in assessment practices. Teachers at IHM work collaboratively to assess student work, engaging in moderation sessions where they compare and discuss grades. Additionally, staff have opportunities to moderate with teachers from other schools, ensuring our grading aligns with wider expectations.
A key teaching focus in classrooms is cognitive verbs, which support higher-order thinking skills. By explicitly teaching these verbs, we help students develop their ability to analyse, evaluate, and apply their learning effectively.
How Assessment Works in Practice
For example, in English, students may submit a writing sample that is evaluated using multiple Performance Standards. A final grade reflects a combination of these standards, which may include punctuation, grammar, and overall sentence construction. This holistic approach provides a more accurate representation of a student’s skills and development.
Grades are cumulative, meaning that the Semester One Progress Report and Semester Two Final Report grades combine to determine a student's final grade for the year. This ensures that all progress and growth are taken into account. Our grading practices align with CESA guidelines, ensuring a fair and comprehensive evaluation of student performance throughout the academic year.
It is important to recognise that receiving a C grade is a celebration of achievement.
A C indicates that your child is working at the expected year level, demonstrating a solid understanding of the curriculum and meeting the required learning standards. This means they are on track with their education and developing the necessary skills to progress confidently. To achieve an A or B grade, students must demonstrate a deeper understanding and application of their learning, particularly through the use of cognitive verbs to analyse, evaluate, and justify their responses.
We value our partnership with parents in supporting student learning. If you have any questions about assessment practices at IHM, please feel free to reach out to us.
Sonia Bianco & Catherine Hulley

Sports Day is being held on Friday 14th March
- Where - Fitzroy Community Club, Swan Court, Renown Park.
- Time - 3:30 - 6:30pm.
- Early Dismissal - Students finish school at 12:00pm on that day.
- Uniform - Students wear a top in their house colour, school shorts & hat. If you are unsure what house your child is in, please check with the Office.
- Food & Drinks - Our P & F Committee will be having a Sausage Sizzle during the afternoon.
- Volunteers - The P & F are seeking volunteers to help cook and serve the sausage sizzle between 3:30 - 6:30pm. Are you able to spare 1/2 hour of your time? Many hands make light work!
- Please email the committee with your preferred time slot at pf@ihm.catholic.edu.au.
- OSHC - Bookings for Camp Australia will be available from 12:00 - 3:00pm. Bookings can be made at http://www.campaustralia.com.au
The children are practising in readiness for Sports Day and we would love to see as many families as possible come along to see the children taking part in their events and having fun.

Easter Raffle
We are starting to get ready for our Easter Basket Raffle!
In the coming weeks, students will be receiving a book of 10 raffle tickets to sell for the Easter basket raffle. Additional tickets will be available at the front office if needed.
Details will be provided on the ticket books with due dates to bring in money raised or returning leftover tickets. The raffle will be drawn at the end of term.
Important Dates
NAPLAN Coordinated Practice Test - Yrs 3 & 5
Shrove Tuesday - Pancake Day
9am Ash Wednesday Liturgy
Pupil Free Day
Adelaide Cup Public Holiday
NAPLAN Writing Test (Yrs 3-5)
Sports Day - 3:30-6:30pm - Fitzroy Oval - Students finish early at 12:00pm
9am Special Assembly - Presentation of SRCs, House Leaders & Auslan Ambassadors
NAPLAN Conventions of Language Test (Yrs 3-5)
NAPLAN Numeracy Test
Yr 5 & 6 Camp at Woodhouse - 24th - 26th March
SACPSSA Swimming Carnival
End of Term 1 - normal finish 3:00pm
Nazareth College Open Day

Discover Big Opportunities at Nazareth’s Open Day
Nazareth Catholic College is a big school - but more than that, it’s a place of big welcomes, big opportunities, big futures, and big hearts. It’s an inclusive community where every student finds their place and every family feels connected. With diverse opportunities, personalised learning pathways, and a strong Catholic faith foundation, Nazareth empowers students to think big!
Families are invited to experience this firsthand at Nazareth’s Open Day. Explore their dynamic learning environment, state-of-the-art facilities, and meet their passionate educators.
Tuesday 11 March 2025
5pm – 7pm
Flinders Park Campus (1 Hartley Road Flinders Park)
Book Online at: https://www.nazareth.org.au/book-a-tour/
Nazareth is currently enrolling for Year 7 in 2028 and beyond. Did you know that Immaculate Heart of Mary School is a direct pathway into Nazareth for Years 7-12? If you are considering Nazareth at secondary for your child, we encourage you to complete your enrolment application as early as possible, and prior to any final lodgement closing dates listed on the Nazareth website.