Week 7 Term 1
Dear Parents and Caregivers,
We thank our school community for supporting our pupil free day on Friday which enabled teachers and co-educators to spend substantial time planning and documenting together for diverse learners, to ensure they can fully participate on the same basis as their peers and that we are compliant with National Consistent Collection of Data which requires us to evidence what we do. We also spent time planning quality units of Religious Education using the Crossways curriculum.
Last week our Leaders of Learning Sonia Bianco and Catherine Hulley, along with myself, attended the CESA Teach Well conference which involves 8 days across this year focussed on High Impact Teaching strategies for maximum student engagement. Our commitment to teaching excellence is informed by these opportunities to engage in evidence-based learning which is shared with our staff.
In addition to these learning opportunities two staff will be completing a mini certificate in gifted education this year as we continue to build our flourishing hearts program for high potential students.
Enrolments and School Tours
Last week we had a record 16 families tour our school for the 1st school tour of 2025 and discover what IHM can offer their child and family. As enrolments continue to strengthen we ask existing families to ensure they have enrolled younger siblings into the 2026 school year.
PBIS - School Focus
Week 7 - We take care of the environment
Week 8 - We use equipment safely in the classroom and during play time
Pulse Survey Data Term 1
Every one of us experiences ups and downs in our life.
Each term, Catholic Education SA undertakes a Classroom Pulse Check In in every Catholic school.
The purpose of the Classroom Pulse Check In is to find out how students are feeling about their experience of school. Students are asked some simple questions about Identity, Learning, Relationships and Belonging.
The aim is simply to “check in” with our students and measure how they are feeling. Your child’s responses will help us to identify any potential social, emotional or learning needs that they may have. They will also be used by Catholic Education SA to help highlight trends across Catholic Schools that may need to be addressed.
To find out more about Classroom Pulse Check-In we welcome you to visit the Catholic Education SA website https://www.cesa.catholic.edu.au/news/wellbeing-initiative
I am pleased to share our students have indicated a 90.3 % result of consistently positive wellbeing data in their Term 1 surveys.
Letter from Catholic School Parents SA
There has been much media attention recently on Respectful Relationships, conflict resolution and bullying in schools. It is timely that these policies are to be reviewed this year with the School Board. Catholic Education is also reviewing system policy, procedures and processes which inform every school. Please see the recent Letter from Catholic School Parents SA for your information.
Upcoming Events
Week 7
Wednesday - NAPLAN (Writing)
Thursday - NAPLAN (Reading)
- Special Presentation Assembly - All our House Leaders, SRCs and Auslan Ambassadors will be presented with their badges etc
- Sports Day 3.30 - 6.30pm at Fitzroy Reserve
PLEASE NOTE: If hot weather of 36 degrees or over is forecast on Wednesday, Sports Day will need to be cancelled)
Week 8
Monday - Drama lessons
Tuesday - NAPLAN (Conventions of Language)
- NAPLAN (Numeracy)
- School Board Meeting 7.00pm
- Harmony Day Celebrations
- Year 5/6 Cake stall at recess
Kind regrds,
Julie Hancock
Recent News
Season of LENT - Year C
This year our Lenten journey takes place within our Jubilee Year of Hope. An opportunity for us to deeply reflect on the theme of being Pilgrims of Hope. How can as a pilgrim of people we make a difference in our school community, local community and perhaps the world?
We started our Lenten path on Shrove Tuesday, where our committed Parents & Friends committee cooked and served delicious pancakes for our students. We raised $177.00 for Project Compassion.
Thank you to our P & F and our school community for your commitment to our Catholic Identity.
Our Ash Wednesday Liturgy was led by our SRC’s who provided us with as sacred space for prayer and reflection. Thank you SRC’s for leading our liturgy and providing a prayerful space for us to receive the ashes as a reminder of our faith and humility.
Caritas Project Compassion
This year Immaculate Heart of Mary School is taking part in Caritas Australia Project Compassion. Together with students, families and staff we will unite in faith and compassion to support communities facing poverty.
This year there are two ways to donate:
- Project Compassion Box (boxes will be distributed to each family)
- Online HERE
Our goal is to raise $200 as a community. As Heart people we thank you for your support and generosity.
The SRCs will soon begin planning the theme for our last day of Term 1 Casual Day. All proceeds raised will go towards Project Compassion.
Masses - Celebrant: Father Santhosh Nazareth
Wednesday 12th March: 9am - 1/2H and 1/2K - HOPE
Wednesday 26th March: 9am - Year 4s - LENT
Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability (NCCD)
Every year, all schools in Australia participate in the Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability (NCCD). The NCCD process requires schools to identify information already available in the school about supports provided to students with disability. These relate to legislative requirements under the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 and the Disability Standards for Education 2005, in line with the NCCD guidelines (2019).
Information provided about students to the Australian Government for the NCCD includes:
- Year of schooling
- Category of disability: Physical, Cognitive, Sensory or Social/Emotional
- Level of adjustment provided
- Support provided within Quality Differentiated Teaching Practice
- Supplementary
- Substantial
- Extensive
This information assists all Australian schools to:
- Formally recognise the supports and adjustments provided to students with disability in schools.
- Consider how to strengthen the support of students with disability.
- Develop shared practices to improve educational outcomes for all students with disability.
The NCCD provides state and federal governments with the information they need to plan more broadly for the support of students with disability.
The NCCD will have no direct impact on your child and your child will not be involved in any testing process. IHM will provide data to the Australian Government in such a way that no individual student will be able to be identified – the privacy and confidentiality of all students is ensured. All information is protected by privacy laws that regulate the collection, storage and disclosure of personal information. To find out more about these matters, please refer to the Australian Government’s Privacy Policy (https://www.education.gov.au/privacy-policy).
Further information about the NCCD can be found at NCCD Portal (https://www.nccd.edu.au).
If you have any questions about the NCCD process, please email Jhovana Fenu: jfenu@ihm.catholic.edu.au
Jhovana Fenu
School Fees
School Fee statements for the 2025 school year have now been distributed.
A reminder that school fees paid in full by THIS FRIDAY 14th MARCH will attract a 5% discount. If you have any queries please contact the Office.
School Card Applications
School Card provides support to families that hold a Health Care Card or a Pension Card. Parents who are in receipt of a pension, unemployment benefits, low income or hold a Centrelink Concession Card (i.e. Health Care Card / Parenting Payment Card) with the appropriate code are encouraged to apply for School Card.
Applications must be made annually, whether or not you have been approved in previous years. Forms are available from the Office or you can apply online. We can assist you with your application if required.
For further information, income thresholds and to apply online, please visit the link below:

Next week Friday 21st March is Harmony Day and coincides with International Day for the elimination of Racial Discrimination.
We invite you to attend our school assembly at 9.00am celebrating the diversity of our community and the richness culture play at IHM.
On the day students will be presenting buddy class activities celebrating who we are as a community. You are warmly welcomed to join classes after assembly.
In addition, to celebrate Harmony Day, students are encouraged to wear ORANGE or TRADITIONAL CULTURAL CLOTHING on the day (no football/sports tops please)
Our classes also participate in Racism No Way activities in their own classes, which is an important part of building a cohesive, safe and welcoming community for all.
Please join us in harmony!

Easter Raffle
Last week every family was given a book of 10 raffle tickets to buy or sell.
Tickets are $2.00 each and there are 5 great baskets to win which are filled with Easter goodies for the whole family to enjoy!
- Please return all tickets (sold or unsold by Wednesday 9th April)
- The raffle will be drawn on Friday 11th April (last day of Term1).
- More tickets available from the Office.
Important Dates
NAPLAN Writing Test (Yrs 3-5)
Sports Day - 3:30-6:30pm - Fitzroy Oval - Students finish early at 12:00pm
9am Special Assembly - Presentation of SRCs, House Leaders & Auslan Ambassadors
NAPLAN Conventions of Language Test (Yrs 3-5)
NAPLAN Numeracy Test
Yr 5 & 6 Cake Stall Fundraiser
9am Assembly - Harmony Day / Classroom visits
Yr 5 & 6 Camp at Woodhouse - 24th - 26th March
9am Mass - led by Year 4s
Reception Community Dinner - Plant 4
SACPSSA Swimming Carnival
End of Term 1 - normal finish 3:00pm
Year 5/6 Cake Stall Fundraiser

On Friday 21st March during recess the Year 5 and 6 students will be holding a Cake Stall in the school hall to raise money to go towards their camp.
There will be lots of yummy sweet and savoury goods to buy priced between $1.00 - $5.00.
School Safety

The safety and wellbeing of our students, families and staff is of the utmost importance. As such, this is a friendly reminder that dogs are not permitted on our school grounds.
The Dog and Cat Management Act 1995 states that:
"A person who owns or is responsible for the control of a dog is guilty of an offence if the dog (not being an accredited disability dog, guide dog or hearing dog) is in, or in the grounds of a school, kindergarten, child care centre or pre-school centre without the permission of the person in charge of that place."
Should you have any questions or concerns regarding this matter, please contact the school.
Thanking you in anticipation of your support.
OLSH College

Our Lady of the Sacred Heart College
Catholic Secondary School for Girls in Years 7 - 12
496 Regency Road, Enfield
Phone: 8269 8800