Week 9 Term 1 2025
Dear Parents and Caregivers,
Harmony Day
We thank our community for coming along to our Harmony Day assembly and visiting classrooms afterwards to engage in activities. Your presence helped make the celebration even more special.
Harmony Day is an Australian celebration held on March 21st each year, promoting inclusivity, respect, and a sense of belonging for everyone, regardless of cultural or linguistic background. It encourages communities to embrace diversity and appreciate the different traditions, backgrounds, and experiences that make up Australia’s multicultural society.
The day aligns with the United Nations International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, reinforcing the importance of acceptance, unity, and cultural respect. Let's continue to embrace diversity, inclusivity, and respect every day and ensure a community free from racism.
Enrolments 2026 and Beyond
If you have a child commencing in 2026 or 2027 please contact Sheridan Morgan - Enrolment Officer to submit your application. Places are filling fast and siblings have priority enrolment.
Don’t forget our $200 school fee remission if you mention our school to a prospective new family and they enrol at IHM. A number of newly enrolling families have mentioned the positive word of mouth from others, and those families will be receiving a bonus fee reduction.
Julie Hancock
Recent News
Prayer: Third Sunday of LENT
A reading from the holy Gospel according to LUKE 13:6-9 (p107 Children’s Lectionary)
Jesus told the people this story:
A man had a fig tree growing in his vineyard.
One day he went out to pick some figs, but he didn’t find any.
So he said to the gardener,
“For three years I have come looking for figs on this tree, and I haven’t found any yet.
Chop it down! Why should it take up space?”
The gardener answered,
“Master, leave it for another year. I’ll dig around and put some manure on it to make it grow.
Maybe it will have figs on it next year.
If it doesn’t you can have it cut down.”
The Gospel of the Lord.
Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.
Season of LENT - Year C
Lent Mass
Everyone is invited to attend our Lent Mass led by 4F this Wednesday 26th March at 9am. Father Santhosh Nazareth will be our celebrant.
Caritas Project Compassion
A gentle reminder that this year Immaculate Heart of Mary School is taking part in Caritas Australia Project Compassion and there are two ways to donate:
- Project Compassion Box (1 box given to each family)
- Online HERE
Our goal is to raise $200 as a community. As Heart people we thank you for your support and generosity.
Last day of Term 1 – Friday 11th April
Mission Day: Children wear casual clothes for a gold coin donation and all proceeds raised will go towards Project Compassion.
Lent Family Calendar
2025 Student Led HOLY WEEK Reflections (Week 11)
Class |
Reflection |
Tuesday 8th April |
RM and RP |
Palm Sunday |
Wednesday 9th April |
1/2H and 1/2K |
Holy Thursday |
Thursday 10th April |
3P |
Last Supper |
Friday 11th April |
4/5F and 5/6L |
Good Friday |
The Zones of Regulation - Our whole school approach to helping children manage emotions
The Zones of Regulation is internationally renowned in helping children to manage difficult emotions, known as ‘self-regulation’. Self-regulation can go by many names such as ‘self-control’, ‘impulse management’ and ‘self-management’. Self-regulation is best described as the best state of alertness for a situation.
For example, when your child takes part in a sports game, they would need to have a higher state of alertness than when they were working in a library. From time to time, all of us (including adults) find it hard to manage strong feelings such as worry, anger, restlessness, fear or tiredness, and this stops us from getting on with our day effectively. Children who feel these emotions often find it hard to learn and concentrate in school. The Zones of Regulation aims to teach children strategies to help them cope with these feelings so they can get back to feeling calm and ready to learn.
What are the different Zones?
Blue Zone:
Low level of energy; not ready to learn; feels sad, sick, tired, bored, moving slowly.
Green Zone:
Calm state of alertness; optimal level to learn; feels happy, calm, feeling okay, focused.
Yellow Zone:
Heightened state of alertness; elevated emotions; has some control; feels frustrated, worried, silly/wiggly, excited, loss of some control.
Red Zone:
Heightened state of alertness and intense emotions; not an optimal level for learning; out of control; feels mad/angry, terrified, yelling/hitting, elated, out of control.
Circle of Security: Gowrie SA and Centacare
Jhovana Fenu
Assistant Principal
School Hours and Supervision
School commences at 8:45 am and finishes at 3:00 pm.
Gates open at 8.30am and close at 8.50am, open 2.50pm and close 3.15pm.
Teachers are on duty between: 8:30 - 8:45 am and 3:00 - 3:15 pm.
For safety reasons students/parents are not permitted upstairs during morning drop off - unless you have made a time to meet with your child’s class teacher
Child Safeguarding - Signing In/Signing out Procedures
To ensure a safe environment for everyone on site during the school day The South Australian Commission for Catholic Schools requires its school to implement child safety policies and practices.
PLEASE NOTE: If a child arrives after the school bell or throughout the day they must be signed in/out through the Office. Parents are asked to farewell their child in the Office or wait at the Office if leaving early. Thank you for your asistance in this important matter.
Playground Rules
As a matter of safety no students or siblings are to play on the playgrounds before and after school.
School Uniform
School uniform plays an important part in the engagement of students with school, in promoting a sense of identity, belonging and connectedness. Our uniform enables active participation, maintains a clear dress standard and creates a sense of personal pride in being a student at IHM.
- Full uniform must always be worn unless instructed otherwise by the Principal. An explanation should be communicated to the class teacher, from parents or caregivers, if a students is not in correct uniform.
- Sneakers must be predominately black or white - which includes shoelaces. Sneakers must be a cross trainer style sport shoe. Hi-tops or any footwear with flat soles, e.g. skate shoes, street wear, Converse, Vans or Volleys are not permitted.
- Jewellery - If children have pierced ears only one plain gold/silver or small birth-stone studs (maximum diameter 4mm) or plain or gold standard sleepers (10mm) may be worn.
- Long hair must be tied back with scrunchies/ribbons/headbands in school colours ONLY.
- Cultural or religious headwear may be navy or black.
- Extreme hairstyles and/or colours are not permitted.
- Nail polish and make-up are not to be worn. Students will be asked to remove nail polish and make-up if worn to school.
Kiss & Drop Zone
At the front of the school is the Kiss-and-Drop zone where parents can drop off and pick up their children before and after school. Parents MUST NOT park and leave their vehicle. Please observe the parking sign which indicates the following:
NO PARKING ON SCHOOL DAYS BETWEEN 8:00 - 9:00am and 2:30 - 3:30pm
The effort of all is necessary to ensure that parking is hassle free. Council inspectors regularly patrol the area, issuing parking fines for non-compliance.
Sports Day - Tuesday 1st April
A reminder that our school Sports Day will now be held on TUESDAY 1st APRIL at the Fitzroy Community Club from 8:45am – 12:00pm.
- Students to be dropped off and checked in with their class teacher at 8:45am
- Students to wear a top in their team colour, hat, bring a labelled water bottle and apply sunscreen before they get to the ground.
- Students to be collected from the Fitzroy Reserve (Swan Court, Renown Park) at the conclusion of Sports Day at 12:00pm to go home (no school on this day)
- PLEASE NOTE: If students are walking home on their own or going home with another family at the conclusion of Sports Day, written permission is required.
- If students are at Before School Care, staff will walk these children to the reserve at 8:30am
- Staff will walk OSHC children back to school for OSHC to commence at 1:00pm (lunch included) – OSHC bookings now open from 1:00pm
- A food stall will be available during Sports Day to purchase popcorn, fruit boxes, ice blocks and snacks.
Soccer Season
The 2025 soccer season commences in Term 2. An expression of interest letter and Soccer Registration Forms were distributed on the 17th March.
Registration forms are due to be returned by this WEDNESDAY 26th MARCH so that all players can be registered - the North West Junior Soccer Association have put limits on the numbers of players required for each team, therefore if your child is interested in playing this year please return forms by Wednesday.
Trish Jauncey

Our students have the opportunity to once again be involved in an exciting program 'Children's University'. For more information please read the letter attached.
Please register your child online using the QR Code contained in the letter.
The final cut-off date for all memberships is FRIDAY 4th APRIL 2025.
Payment to be made in the Office:
2025 Annual Fee: $38.50
School Card Holders: $16.50
Replacement Passport: $7.70

Easter Raffle Reminder
Easter is coming soon so don't forget to buy or sell a raffle ticket to win one of the 5 great baskets filled with Easter goodies for the family to enjoy.
Tickets are $2.00 each and you have to be in it to win it!
- Please return all tickets (sold or unsold by Wednesday 9th April)
- The raffle will be drawn on Friday 11th April (last day of Term1).
- More tickets available from the Office.